Here are some important ways for making friends.
Never underestimate the value of loyalty不要忽视忠诚的价值
长久以来,忠诚始终被视为朋友间最珍贵的品质之一。真正的忠诚是非常细微、具体的。有些人认为,不论你做什么,朋友总会支持你,这就是真正的忠诚。然而,真正的忠诚是接受你的朋友,而非赞同他所有的行为。(But real loyalty is being accepting the person,not necessarily of certain actions your friend might take.)
Give the gift of time as often as time allows要巧妙利用时间,增进友谊
时间总是不够用--但是,只需稍稍变通,我们就能挤出时间来浇灌友谊之花。而秘诀是:一点点时间总比没有好,并且,我们还可以在同一时间做好两件事情。(Time is what we don't have nearly enough of --and yet,armed with a little ingenuity,we can make it to give it to our friends.The trick is remembering that a little is better than none and that you can do two things at once.)比如。。。