在英语中,"道不同不相为谋"可以表达为 "Birds of a feather flock together."这句话意味着人们倾向于与具有相似价值观、兴趣和目标的人交往。因此,如果两个人的价值观、目标或兴趣不同,他们可能不会互相合作或共事。这个英文短语强调了个人之间的相互吸引力,以及人们如何选择与具有相似特质的人建立...
Confucius :"Do not attempt to work with people whose way is not your way".子曰:「道不同,不相为谋.」
有谁知道——道不同,不相为谋 英文简写是什么?不要给我直接音译我要简写...
道不同,不相为谋 Different ways do not conspire
Birds of different feathers do not flock together. 就是道不同不相为谋了.
「道不同不相为谋」,请问英语什么译??? 请指教
「道不同不相为谋」,请问英语什么译??? Can never get along as we have different theories on everything. or 外国人通常会说 : We are speaking different languages 参考: SELF 可以翻译为: - we are not on the same boat we better go separate way - we are not on the same page...
No common goal, no common cause to cooperate. People who follow different paths do not take counsel with one another.采纳哦
道不同不相为谋,是一个汉语成语,读音dào bù tóng bù xiāng wéi móu,意思是有不同志向的人,就不能在一起谋划。比喻意见或志趣不同的人就无法共事。出自孔子《论语·卫灵公》:“道不同,不相为谋。”Different roads lead to no common cause.道の违いは互いに谋るものではない。
Don't attempt to work with people whose way is not your way.参考资料:Quote from Confucius
你好!道不同不相为谋 f your paths are different, you cannot make plans together.另一个版本: People of different moral convictions cannot get along.
You can't work together if you don't have a same idea.